+CONCENTRIC CABLE FOR DOMINICA MARKETThe concentric cables are used as electric service entrance from the power distribution network until the meter panel (especially where it is required to prevent "black" losses or electric power robbery)
+CONCENTRIC CABLE FOR PERU MARKETThe concentric cables are used as electric service entrance from the power distribution network until the meter panel (especially where it is required to prevent "black" losses or electric power robbery)
+CONCENTRIC CABLE FOR AFRICA MARKETThe concentric cables are used as electric service entrance from the power distribution network until the meter panel (especially where it is required to prevent "black" losses or electric power robbery)
+SNE CABLEFor use in electricity supply to houses, 600V. Strung in air from pole top distribution box to houses pre-paid electricity meter / main circuit breaker.
+CNE CABLEFor use in electricity supply to houses, 600V. Strung in air from pole mounted circuit breaker to house connection.

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