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What exactly is the difference between flame retardant and fire resistant cables?

When we buy cables, we always hear that dealers introduce different materials of cables, while the price also varies greatly. There are flame retardant cables, fire resistant cables, low smoke halogen free cables and normal cables. Literally, halogen-free low smoke flame-retardant wire is not difficult to understand, that is, does not contain halogen, does not produce smoke when burning, with flame-retardant properties of the wire. Ordinary wire is generally the most common wire used in our home furnishings, its flame retardant, fire resistant level are very low, the price is also the cheapest. But flame-retardant and fire-resistant seem to mean about the same thing, so is flame-retardant wire and fire-resistant wire the same?

They're actually quite different. What's the difference?

Flame retardant, refers to blocking and delaying the spread of flame along the wire and cable so that the fire is controlled within a certain localised area, the type of wire has self-extinguishing properties after fire. When the open flame does not delay combustion, leaving the open flame extinguished, can better protect the safety of persons and property.

Fire-resistant, refers to the flame burning situation, can maintain operation for a certain period of time, that is, to maintain the integrity of the circuit, the type of wire in the flame has the ability to supply power for a certain period of time. In layman's terms, in the event of a fire, the wire will not burn immediately, the circuit is more reliable.

In other words, the basic characteristic of flame retardant wire is that in the event of a fire, it can be burned and not function, but the spread of the fire can be stopped. Fire resistant wire has mica tape added to the wire and its basic characteristic is that if the wire burns, it can still maintain normal operation of the line for a period of time.

If you want to buy Chinese cables, when choosing fire retardant wires you will often see letters such as Z and N. Z stands for flame retardant and N stands for fire resistant. The common flame retardant wires in home decoration are the three levels of ZA, ZB, ZC, and the fire-resistant wires are the levels of ZAN, ZBN, and ZCN, of which class A is the best. So when to buy cables in the future, you need to clarify your needs!
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